Learn how to make a Strawberry Bubble Tea drink with Bubble Tea Supply Strawberry Flavor Powder and Neptune Ice Boba Tapioca Pearls. This is the standard recipe for our flavor powder however you can easily substitute in milk, almond milk, etc for the creamer and water. You can also change out the sweetener to match the flavor preferences of your customers or friends and family.
How to Make a Strawberry Bubble Tea with Bubble Tea Supply Strawberry Flavor Powder
- 1 Scoop Strawberry Powder
- 2 Scoops Sugar & Creamer Mix
- 4 oz Water
- 1 Cup Ice (about 16 oz)
- 2 oz cooked Black Tapioca Pearls (recipe with video: http://bit.ly/1VkcTDS)
- Put Strawberry Powder, Creamer & Sugar Mix, water, and ice in a blender
- Blend until smooth
- Add in cooked Tapioca Pearls into a glass or Plastic Drinking Cup
- Pour in the blended Strawberry Bubble Tea mixture
- Add Fat Bubble Tea Straw and enjoy!